Jess is my friend. she was the Fire Chief, the Crossing Guard, the Burger King, and the President. she looked great in a jester hat, always had chapstick (the regular flavor), did a scary ET impression, and taught me the banana song and dance. she was part of the Lunch Bunch that i ate lunch with in high school, and we always had cigarettes and fountain cokes for lunch. i love her very very much. about a year ago she died of a heroin OD. in her honor, i would like to take the time to say here that heroin is a bad idea. i'm all about trying anything once, but it's not that easy with heroin. just because Lou Reed and Keith Richards can do it doesn't mean that it's a thing that you can just do and keep on living like normal. they call it chasing the will never be as good the second time as it was the first, and so on. not worth it. not a good plan. Jess is okay now....i talk to her every day and she is looking forward to living again....and i am looking forward to seeing her again too. But not everyone has the good fortune to know how to communicate with loved ones who pass over, so I would advise not doing anything that will cause you to die quicker than you would normally. okay, i'm done now.